Shadow Boxer

Captured the same morning from which Diane had posted a very similar image last week. We were stopping at every pull out as the fog engulfed us for much of the early morning drive. Same species of trees, but I believe not the same location as Dian’es image.

The fog was dense at times and this was what I was going for in processing this. Looking for a higher key presentation and I really liked the tree in the background and how it was just barely visible. The forward tree is still pretty obscured by the fog and the original has colors coming through of brown, orange, pale mossy greens, etc. etc. - and so I thought going monochrome would help simplify things.

“Shadow Boxer” I hope makes sense. I thought the two trees, while not mirrors of each other were similar enough in shape to relate to this concept.

Specific Feedback Requested

As always, all feedback, critique and suggestions welcome. I’m especially curious if the high-key presentation works - is it bright enough? too bright? contrast work, etc. etc.

Thanks for your comments and impressions.

Technical Details

Nikon D800E, 28-300mm @116mm, f/16 1/4s, iso 100. Single frame, cropped to SQ.


I really like this, Lon. The high key works well. It took me a bit to see the second farther tree so the title didn’t make sense. I think I might try to bring some of the far tree out so that it’s a touch more visible. Not so much as the forward one though…just a thought.

Hard to tell but is this in B&W? Fog really obscures colors…

I sure like this one Lon.
I would love to see it bigger on paper, because I get the sensation this picture would look, and feel, completely different on paper.

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Like @David_Bostock, I didn’t see the second tree until I enlarged the photo. I like the high key choice you made a lot. The large tree is beautiful. If you bring up the back tree so it is a bit more visible, this would be a wonderful image.

I think the high key treatment works well. It you hadn’t described the fog I would have thought this was taken in a snow storm!

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A belated thank you to all who took the time to comment. I can’t argue that the secondary tree is hard to see - which was actually my goal in processing! I guess it’s hidden too well!

Thanks again @David_Bostock , @Donna_Callais , @joaoquintela and @DeanRoyer

Much appreciated!