Shadows of Aspen

I posted this earlier, but felt like I needed to do a rework. The composition thought was capture what caught my eye of the shadows on the trunk of the aspen tree.

Specific Feedback Requested

I don’t have the room on the left for the leafs unfortunately, but I wanted input on the color as that is what I fine tuned here. Color balance and tones?

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No

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Hey Kyle, the rework…works! :clap: :clap: :clap:

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Can you post the original next to the rework so we can toggle back and forth for comparison?

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Let me see if I can figure out how to get that here. Shadows of Aspen this is the first post

This is a neat little scene. The colors are great for the sharp leaves and the tree trunk. My very personal opinion is that you could dampen the blurred leaves in the centre BG a bit, right now it takes to much attention away from the sharp stuff.

I really like the shadow that falls on the trunk. I would be curious to explore a tighter image focusing just on that part. If there is anything, I would clone out that diagonal, OOF, white branch on the upper left corner.

You can edit your post at the top of this thread and add that image there. I think this is an unusual and lovely image well worth playing with.