Sibling Competition

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Shortly the young ospreys will be leaving the nest. One has flown and attempted to catch fish but not too successful yet. The adult is not bringing food frequently, urging the young birds to leave the nest. Will need to learn how to catch fish and build up strength for the flight south for the winter. Love following interactions between animals.

Specific Feedback

Just general feed back.

Technical Details

ISO 1250, 1/4000 sec, Z 9 Camera, F8, 400 mm 2.8 lens with drop in filter plus 1.4 teleconverter for some shots. Lens gave me a lot of flexibility in the area covered.

Processed in Lightroom CC and Photoshop

Hi Irene. An excellent image. F/8 worked very well for getting both birds nice and sharp. The way you framed it gives it the look of a reasonably low angle-usually difficult to do with this species. Just my personal preference, but I think a bit more canvas on both sides would be nice-it just feels a touch crowded to me.

Hi Irene, very nice behavioral capture. Love seeing the interaction between these two. Nice exposure and sharpness. I might think about taking out the poo on the post but then again that really does say bird nestlings. Nice frame.

Irene: very well done with both birds in sharp focus. It is an excellent example of competetion which is not often seen. My only very minor nit would be to add a gradient to the sky above the wings of the upper bird.

Hello Irene :slight_smile:

This is really good!
I enjoyed reading the story behind these two and I enjoyed viewing the details!

I don’t have anything to add, I just wanted to compliment you on the image :slight_smile:
Nature really is wonderful isn’t it! :smiley: