Osprey in flight

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


An osprey nest was on a low post beside a channel leading into a marina. I was able to capture this shot from a dinghy as the osprey was flying from the nest. I am still struggling to follow birds in flight with my 600mm lens and I didn’t get the whole bird in the frame, so I cropped the top to match what I missed.

Specific Feedback

I look forward to your critiques.

Technical Details

1/2000 sec, f6.3, iso 1000, 200-600 @ 600mm. Sony a7riv. Skies were overcast.

Great capture and composition. I like how you have the wings stretch corner to corner as the crop looks very intentional…not just I missed some of the bird. The face might be slightly soft but still detailed enough to provide a lot to examine. Very hard to capture when they are coming at you. I love the background and how it complements and brings out the yellow of the osprey eyes. Very well done.

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A wonderful frame filling capture. The autofocus pick up the breast and legs so the the head is slightly softer than the other portions of the osprey. You might be able to selectively sharpen the head region to reduce the softness. This is a tough image to capture with any autofocus system, but you did OK…Jim

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A fine image, Kathryn. I like the composition and background. Since the A7Riv doesn’t have a specific “bird eye AF” these coming-at-you shots are really tough, though sometimes it will lock on with the general animal eye AF. If you have another frame with the eyes in sharp focus, swapping them out would help a lot.

Interesting idea. Thank you for that. That would also give me an excuse to learn more about photoshop as I predominantly use Lightroom and am not fluent with photoshop. More learning to do!

Very dramatic capture! Details are sharp enough that the eyes don’t look to me like they need any work.

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Hi Kathryn, nice catch and I don’t mind the intentional crop. While head/eye focus is not spot on, as mentioned already a head on in flight shot like this is always tough to get. I think the detail is enough to make this a keeper.

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