Silverton Sunset

The quietness of the cemetery on the hill overlooking the town of Silverton, Colorado, seemed to have a lot of movement when viewing the sloping mountains, along with the roads leading into and out of this small valley town. Clouds drifting and catching the setting sunlight also contributed to movement.

Specific Feedback Requested

Would like to know if the exposure values work for the shadow areas in creating layers. In processing, I utilized a filter that also created movement, most observable on the mountain slopes.

Technical Details

1/4s at f/11.0 -0.33EV, ISO 400 @ 48mm.

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Beautiful image, Harvey. I’ve been to Durango once, and appreciate grandeur of the mountains and nestled towns. Don’t know if I’m addressing your question. I like the foreground cemetery. The curving road into town is most effective with the parallel driveway or dirt road to the right. Maybe you have a tad too much saturation in the yellows - just personal taste? I also might take down the blues in the town area. Wonderful sky. I like the image in spite of it having a lot going on in it.

Hi Harvey,

There is some significant haloing that I could notice right away from where you tried to darken the exposure of the sky and brighten the exposure of the rest of the scene. I feel the sky is too dark for the light hitting it and the mountains are too bright for being in the shade and receiving only soft ambient light. This is why it is so important to photograph scenes in complementary lighting, instead of just trying to fix it later on. If you don’t work with the light, it will work against you.

My main feedback here is that lighting earlier in the evening/later in the morning (depending on whether this is sunset or sunrise) where it would have been illuminating more of the scene, especially the mountain peaks, would have complemented the scene more. Right now it is all so flat it’s really lacking a subject/central focus. Everything is equally accentuated and then the colorful sky really pulls my eye away from it all. It’s important to remember that sunsets/sunrises aren’t always the best time of day to photograph certain scenes.

At this point, you cant really further accentuate anything within the landscape because it will betray the lighting in the sky. It’s really not fixable unfortunately.

Hope this is helpful!

Your friend,