Small Woodland Stream

Interested in any and all feedback people have to offer, I wonder if the snow in the upper left is too distracting? Looking to learn so any input is welcomed.

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

Single image processed in lightroom classic 45mm f8 on aps-c (fuji XT3)

Generally you want to avoid distractions created by bright objects near the edges of the the frame. They become eye magnets that pull the viewer away from the center of the image. Lines that run out of the frame, or small elements that get awkwardly cut off at the edge, can also cause similar issues. That’s why it pays to do “Border Patrol” and study your frame edges for these issues. It’s best done in the field while composing, but can sometimes be dealt with in post-processing. You can either clone away small distractions, or burn (darken) areas that are too bright. Many folks like to darken frame edges or corners anyways, all to draw more attention to the center of the image.

Here is my border patrol review of your image

And here is rework with cloning and burning of bright areas / frame edges.

Aside the snow distractions you have a very busy composition. Simplify it by only including the essential elements.

Thanks for the comments, I had toned down some of the highlights already but I think I need to get over my fear or “editing” what I saw in order to improve the image.

I agree there is a lot going on. I’m debating how I would simplify this scene, I think I have a tendency to want to include too much context. I tried a tighter crop but I wonder if this is still too busy?

I like your repost. It distills the scene down to the important elements.