Like Kristen I was wading into 2.5 feet of snow to make this photo. I need snow shoes. I have two versions of this scene. I made a small change in my position/perspective and it dramatically changes the image. I am posting both just to show how the shadows in particular change. I like the lighting on the branch and that the branch parallels the shadows in each version but differently. Honestly I am not sure which works better but am curious as to what others may think. I also am not sure I effectively augmented the lighting on the branch.
Specific Feedback Requested
composition and processing
Technical Details
Is this a composite: No
Angular shot: Sony Alpha III/ Sony 4 75-200 @ 130mm, f/22, 1/60 iso 100
Horizontal shot: 200mm. f/22, 1/40 iso 100
My take on the two - in the first one the branch is an element of the photo as a whole; it mimics and works with the shadows themselves. In the second the branch is the focal point; it breaks up the shadows and disrupts the flow, but in a good way. I think I like the second better, but only by a nose. I’d be tempted to crop it closer, eliminating the very top and bottom shadows, but that minor.
I like #1 over #2 primarily because I think it’s diagonal lines are more exciting than the horizontal lines in #2. I’m not sure about the very thin line in the ulc of #1. You might be better off without it. #2 feels a but right heavy to me.
I prefer image #1 for the same reasons noted by @Igor_Doncov, the diagonals win out. I think the second image would be improved by cropping from the bottom to eliminate the shadow along the bottom edge, it pulls my eye away from the center of the image. I tend to prefer the more abstract look of some of your earlier posts. I think the tree stump adds some reality that competes with the abstract-ness of the shadows.
No. 1 is my favorite - for the overall composition and @Igor_Doncov 's notes, And again, Wow! This style of photo is intriguing. I know you already posted some editing notes with the previous image, but if you ever do a further walkthrough of how photos like this are taken and processed I would like to learn.