What technical feedback would you like if any? All feedback is more than welcome
What artistic feedback would you like if any? About the composition and colors.
Pertinent technical details or techniques: Nikon D850, F11, nikon 70-200 lens at 105mm, Iso 64.
(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
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You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.
The soft lighting in this woodland scene is sublime, Ben. I like the diagonal placement of the trees along with the lovely greens throughout the image. The glow in the BG forest is very striking. Beautifully done.
When I first saw the image, I wonder why is that tree different from the others. I like the “marching trees” ideas. I agree with @Ed_Lowe as well about the light. It is indeed sublime. I do want to see a little more on the left though. I am wondering if you have more rooms on the left, perhaps you have a specific reason to crop it off this way but as presented it feels like the image is cut off rather abruptly. Perhaps a slight lightening on the left hand side to make the trees “disappear” rather smoothly?
Thank you for your comment. Indeed there is more forest on the left site in the original. And it looks a lot better, So for me I think it was my feeling on the moment of post processing , Now I see it’s better to leave it on. Great help, thank’s again.
I like this pic very much. I’m wondering if you have enough room to do it, if it would benefit from being rotated CW slightly to split the difference between half of the trees pointing straight up and half that are tilted to the left without losing anything, if you have enough on the original to do it. Just me…
Ben, I love the quality of light and color palette that you have in this image, it creates a very soft warm feeling. As presented, I agree with @Adhika_Lie that it feels a bit cut off along the left edge of the frame. But just for fun, I flipped the canvas horizontally, and IMO, when presented this other way, those trees don’t seem so cut off when they are on the right. When processing my own images, I always like to experiment by flipping it horizontally, sometimes you are surprised how different it looks. Of course you can’t do this for recognizable locations, or those with writing in them.