
Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I spent 3 weeks in New Zealand and going thru my images. I like this image because it is not a planned one. I was at a spot known for mountain reflections on the lake but it was cloudy this day. I liked the play of the clouds and the mountains and took a number of images of that scene but then I heard and noticed this flock that was going to enter the frame so I tried to catch them in the scene.

Specific Feedback

I am interesting in initial impression of the scene and does it hold your attention.

Technical Details

Focal Length 158.0 mm
Aperture f/13
Exposure Time (1/350)
ISO 100

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:
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This definitely holds my attention, Steve, that’s why I picked it from the thumbnails.
I like the mountain scene with the fog and the birds are a bonus. Without the birds the image would be less interesting. What birds are these? I’m not familiar at all to bird life in this part of the world. I’d like to see the birds a bit more to the right of the frame, to have some more space in the flight direction.

I really love this image Steve. It looks like you were in an airplane instead of high on a mountain at a lake. Unlike @Han_Schutten I was thinking it would provide a little better balance if the geese(?) were a bit further to the left in the frame. This vantage point is breathtaking. I really like the peak into the snow on the misty mountain and the sense that those birds are soaring very high over the mountains.

Han and Ed, thanks for viewing my image. For me the mountains in the clouds and the geese ( Canadian, not native to NZ) came together at a perfect moment. The image is cropped already to eliminate a distracting branch on the left and a closer mountain slope on the right so the middle of the frame felt right to me. I appreciate your feedback . It happened so fast and I was standing on a small lookout platform so this is what I captured from that hike.

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I really like this one and yes the geese make it better. It is not too dissimilar from my previous upload. I think the geese make a difference in my picture too. You have a very imposing snowy mountain backdrop wraithed in misty cloud.

Wow! Not one thing I would consider changing and I have no real critique to offer. Perfectly composed and processed, and the subject matter holds my interest for a long time. I love this one!

Ian and Bret, thank you for taking time to share your thoughts on my image.

Oh wow, this is incredible. The composition is outstanding and I love the bits of cloud in front of the lower part of the mountain. It really helps to create a nice separation between the mountain and the birds.

Hi Tom, I appreciate your time and comments. It was good luck as the birds flew thru my cloud/mountain moment.

The birds add a great dynamic Steve, they really improve the image. Glad you caught them photobombing.

Hi John, thanks for sharing your thoughts I appreciate it very much. I think the image is one of my favorites from the trip.

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