Sometimes you've gotta take what you get.

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Perhaps because I find the Prothonotary Warbler one of the more beautiful warblers, it was my target bird on my trip to Magee Marsh. Thanks to another birder, I came upon this one late in the afternoon of my last day at Magee Marsh. It was flitting in the dark underbrush and most shots had twigs or branches covering much of the bird. This was the best of the bunch and I probably could have spent all day trying to find a more unattractive background, but it’s a lifer and my target bird, so I’m keeping it.

Specific Feedback

Any thoughts appreciated.

Technical Details

Canon R5; 100-500 with 1.4 TC at 420 mm; 1/1000 at f8; ISO 10,000.

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

Definitely a keeper!! A gorgeous bird that I’ve never seen (along with millions of other ones). The setting doesn’t bother me – it’s rather mysterious and a little spooky. I wonder about darkening the bright branch at the base of the frame.


Allen, my wife and I saw some of these down at South Padre Islands over the last few years during the migration. We could get enough to ID and confirmation from the experts in the area, but never could get any clear shots at them. This is a nice look at a beautiful bird.

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I’d keep it as well, Allen. I’ve never seen one. How on earth they named it a head court clerk, I’ll never know. I like the setting-looks like it’s in a hollow.


Beautiful little bird, Allen. Definitely a keeper. Image looks great especially at that high ISO. While the background is a touch busy, the head is nicely framed in darkness.


Definitely a keeper. I like the dark BG, like a hole in a tree maybe. It lets his yellow feathers really stand out. It looks like the little yellow finches I get here that eat the sunflowers. The male is bright yellow, and the female is more subdued. Thanks

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Very nice capture of this cool looking bird. I like how it’s framed by the BG against that dark spot. Congrats!

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They are tough to get at Magee during the big week of birding. There at least 3 pairs of them that nest along the boardwalk and they can be approached quietly when there are less people present. A good life bird shot and this shot is a keeper…Jim

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