Project Images
Gallery Overview
Individual Images
Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4
Image 5
Image 6
Image 7
Image 8
Project Description
This is the first part of a project i’m working on.
It’s only starting so there are some bit and bolts to polish.
It’s suposed to show how our own eyes can deceive us by only shouwing part of what the world is.
And transport the viewer to a world thats hiden in plain sigth.
Make the viewer see the world with a critique vision that not everything is as it seems.
Self Critique
Even being on its beginnings does the approach to this “show the hidden” looks to you all?
Creative Direction
The project is meant to grow to (inicially) 4 groups of images.
1st - Woodland and forests
2nd - Seaside and beach (on the works)
3rd - Mountains and rock formations
4th - Cityscapes and arquitecture
Specific Feedback
These images are being made with a infrared spectrum converted old camera and using manual M42 old lens.
The two main reasons are the investment being lower and the lack of super sharp detail, creating a bit of and ethereal and soft fell.
Could the technical quality if the images be a let down?
Does this 1st group of images work well together? Is any image off?
Intent of the project
Just for fun
Just a quick reaction. I recently started using an old M42 lens at times also, so I admire what you’ve done here. I love the ethereal feel, and wonder how you achieved the varied tonal qualities, which are very attractive. I do find the last shot a bit out of sync with the rest. It is woodland, but personally I’d prefer another shot of trees. Images 3 and 6 rock!
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Thank you @Mike_Friel .
Forgot to write what te conversion on the camera was… 
This is Infrared conversion with, some are filtered to block visible light and only left 780nm light pass (the more monotone ones) others are full spectrum (the more colourful ones).
First, I don’t see any technical issues with the photos - they look fine.
They hold together well with the exception of #2 and #8. #8 (all ferns) is lovely, but feels out of place. If you had more close-up images, it probably wouldn’t feel out of place. The aspect ratio of #2 puts it out of place for me, since all the others are landscape orientation.
Is your idea of the “world hidden in plain sight” related to the IR aspect that we can’t see with our eyes? If so, you might want to have a statement describing IR for people that aren’t familiar with it.
Anyway, this is a lovely series. Looking forward to seeing the other parts of this.
Hello @Bonnie_Lampley, thank you for the response 
I can agree with you that #2 has is a bit off when sided with the others, even thou i love that image i may have to put it out of the set, i’ll see.
Good input on the description, my go on this project was not that much of a thechnical side, it was more of a metafore, but maybe a small information about IR can help. I have some texts on it, when they are worked i will probably poste them to see if they go along with the project.
Again thank you 
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