Two mornings ago we had some predawn fog that put a very heavy coating of dew on everything. The spiders had been very busy the night before and all the mown areas in front of the house were coated with spider webs. My wife saw it on her walk and told me to go out with my camera. This is from a swatch of the prairie that we mow as a firebreak along the front fence.
I was debating with myself where to post something like this when I realized that it is absolutely perfect for this category. The substrate of mown prairie is created by man and the frosting by spiders and a bit of dew.
What technical feedback would you like if any?
What artistic feedback would you like if any?
Any pertinent technical details:
Canon 5DIII, EF 180 f/3.5 macro, tripod and ball head, 24 image stack at f/22, 1/800, iso 800. Probably not the ideal lens for the operation, but it was on the camera and it sounded like an ephemeral opportunity. Stacking in Helicon Focus, follow up processing in LR & PS CC. Taken at 6:51 am on May 27th.