Please share your immediate response to the image before reading the photographer’s intent (obscured text below) or other comments. The photographer seeks a genuinely unbiased first impression.
Questions to guide your feedback
My goal with this image was to showcase the simple beauty that can be found in nature in often surprising and organized ways, which always puts a smile on my face.
Other Information
Please leave your feedback before viewing the blurred information below, once you have replied, click to reveal the text and see if your assessment aligns with the photographer. Remember, this if for their benefit to learn what your unbiased reaction is.
Image Description
This image was captured in very flat light on a very overcast and rainy day near Kebler Pass. I hiked deep into the woods off-trail and discovered this particular grove of spindly aspen trees that captivated my attention.
Matt: Early in my photographic journey I had the misconception that shooting an aspen grove was no big deal - until I had occasion to try it! I like how you have found a group that has good separation and wonderful color contrast with the autumn shrubbery. Top notch image. >=))>
Matt, you found a great collection of Aspen Trunks, set of by some wonderful colors. Yes, this is a view that feel busy, but is very pleasing to look at. Yes, as Bill mentions, finding a photogenic group of Aspens is a challenge.
What immediately caught my eye was the balance and separation of the aspens as well as the contrast with the foliage. It gives me the feeling of serenity and peacefulness. Nicely done.
The white of the aspen trunks and their organized spacing stand out beautifully against the oranges of the autumn colored underbrush. Harder than it looks I know, but oh so satisfying when you find a nice grouping of trees. Beautifully done!
Lovely image, Matt. I personally love forest scenes, although they are as we all know, tricky to pull off without chaotic compositions. You found a wonderful, simple grouping of aspen trees. I also love that the ‘bones’ of the tree trunks and bare branches create structure against the pattern of the lower understory foliage. It’s rather ‘yummy’ in my opinion.
This feels reservedly hopeful. Although the colors are so warm, and the tree trunks so strong, there is a tinge of something melancholy about it for me. I think it’s the flat light - it literally feels flat. This is not to say it’s not a lovely photo - it is!
Well good, I’m glad you feel that the flat light is what makes it work, since I submitted it to the flat light challenge =D
Thank you for making such a kind comment, Bonnie! Loving your latest images!!!
@Matt, I really like this one. I love the contrasting texture and color of the trees against the foliage here. As everybody else as commented, it’s hard to find a forest scene that isn’t a chaotic mess. Your efforts paid off!
Thanks Igor! I appreciate it! I know adding blue would add to color contrast but aspen trunks aren’t blue, so it would totally detract from my personal knowledge of the subject. Of course, if it were blue hour those trunks would have more of a blue hue to them, but this was like 12 PM on a rainy day =) I appreciate the suggestion either way!!! <3
My initial reaction is that the tree trunks all work really well together. I always feel like forest shots have one wonky tree that throws the comp off, but these look great. I like the divide of color with the brighter orange at the bottom fading into the more reddish orange at the top.