Spirit of the Lily

Critique Style Requested: Initial Reaction

Please share your immediate response to the image before reading the photographer’s intent (obscured text below) or other comments. The photographer seeks a genuinely unbiased first impression.

Questions to guide your feedback

What is your first thought/reaction?

Other Information

Please leave your feedback before viewing the blurred information below, once you have replied, click to reveal the text and see if your assessment aligns with the photographer. Remember, this if for their benefit to learn what your unbiased reaction is.

Image Description

There is something very soothing to me about this image. This particular composition makes me think of calmness, purity, enlightenment. There is not much more, other than it always brings me joy to look at this image. I hope you enjoyed it as well.

Technical Details

1/200 sec, f/4.5, ISO400, 105mm prime

Specific Feedback

Any feedback/observation welcomed.


H Fritz, :slight_smile:

My initial reaction was raised eye brows accompanied by a smile. :slight_smile:

I love the softness and the curved lines created by the petals. The low contrast and saturation adds to the soft feel for me.
Love the amount of overlap in the petals, too!
The slightly upward perspective was a good choice in my view.
I also like how the small leaf adds balance and context. I kind of wish there were just a bit more canvas at the bottom just to give the small leaf more of an anchor point but as always, it’s just me and my own personal opinion.

It’s a lovely image, Fritz!! :slight_smile:
Well done!

P.S. The image stands very well as presented, my suggestion was only meant as an idea for possible improvement.

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Wow, wow, wow - Unique!!! Part of the uniqueness is that the angle you shot this Lily at makes it look really Big, like it’s towering over you, but the softness makes that big look gentle. I love that. I agree with everything Mervin said with the exception of more canvas at the top. I especially love the softness in this flower and the blue background that I’m assuming is the sky with a few soft clouds. You did a perfect job of making that blue blend in so perfectly with the white flower. Love this contrast between the two. Just a great all around image as is.

Great composition, great overall visual artistry

On my monitor , perhaps the whites can be toned down ?

@Merv , @ Donna_Callais , @Karl_Zuzarte , Thank you all for your comments. I am embarrassed it took this long to answer. Time just evaporates…

Merv, and Donna, thank you for your comments/reactions. I do agree; I would love to see a little more of the bottom part of the image. I went back to the file, and unfortunately, for this one, that is how it was composed. But by checking the file I found some more to work on.

Thank you for your feed back as well, Karl. As for the whites, that is actually what I had envisioned for this particular image. There are a couple other versions with more saturation and contrast in the lily; very much like those versions as well, but it does change the overall mood/feel of the image.

Wow, I missed this. Just gorgeous as is. The whites are luscious! If I were to crop, it would be a smidgen off the bottom so the point where the leaf connects isn’t visible. That would make it more about all those graceful upward curving lines,

P.S. Forgot to read your comment. I think eliminating the leaf’s point of contact would make this even more calming.

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Thank you, Bonnie. And thank you for the suggestion. I like it !

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