Spotted sandpiper gliding over water
Specific Feedback Requested
Are the brighter reflection spots a distraction?
I tried a number of ways of ‘dulling’ them but couldn’t find a means of ‘dulling’ them but couldn’t find something that didn’t make them worse
Technical Details
Is this a composite: No
Exposure time: 1/8000 s
F number: 7.1
Exposure program: Manual
ISO speed rating: 6400
Lens focal length: 500.0 mm
Very difficult to capture these small shorebirds and flight. You’ve done a good job. The bird is sharp and the background works well. I think you could have done even better with a slower shutter speed and less ISO. For the most part, a 4000th would have reduced your ISO to around 2500. That would have allowed even better detail.
Very good, Eddie. I don’t mind the bright spots in the background at all. That’s what water does and it makes it feel more natural. An interesting angle on a sandpiper. As David mentioned, it’s difficult getting a flight shot of one and shooting down on it is even more unusual. I do agree that 1/8000 is probably overkill.
One of the things you could try to get rid of the white oval reflections would be to use the healing brush patch just move the whole oval spot to another place in the image. You might need to blend the result. But it might be worth a try.