Spring Beauty Trio

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


The spring ephemeral wildflowers are out in force. Spring Beauty are one of the most abundant, but are challenging to photograph because they open and close depending on the light and temperature. They also are quite small, typically less than 1/2 inch (10-15 mm) diameter when fully open. They come with various amounts of pink and I tend to gravitate to the pinker ones. These are some of the pinkest ones that are in my “yard”.

Technical Details

R5, 180 mm macro, 1/400 s, f/5, iso 200, tripod, 31 shot stack

1 Like

A really nice trifecta in this spring scene, Mark. Again, the short DOF and BG provides a nice outline of the FG floral arrangement… :+1:

Excellent, Mark. Getting three blossoms works really well and I like the way one of them is turned to the side. I also like the lighting which adds depth to the image.

Really nice Mark! I love the way you’ve picked up the pink tones of other flowers in the background. The hanging buds are lovely too.

Mark: Amazes me that you can use so many images in your stacks. I would also suspect that you would have to have a really calm day as they look like only a slight zephyr would move them. Great plane of focus management especially. Most excellent. >=))>

Bill, the key to successful stacking is to not get relative movement between the different parts of the subject. While modest subject movement can be handled and fixed in the stacking software (at least in Helicon), I did have to wait for a break in the breeze.

really nice Mark. I can’t get down anymore to shoot the spring beauties . Well, I can get down, but not back up. LOL