Spring Showers

This image was created during a heavy rain at Cades Cove in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. I enjoy photographing in the rain and it for this image it was challenge at times trying to focus on the trees through the rain. I tried different compositions with the single tree against those in the background and different shutter speeds to capture the rain.

Specific Feedback Requested

Let me your thoughts on composition and choice of shutter speed.

Technical Details

Fujifilm X-T4, 100-400mm zoomed at approximately 260mm, ISO 3200, 1/55 sec at f/8.0.


Randall, this is a fine, minimalist photo. The tree on the left is well placed while the lack of contrast tells the story of heavy rain. I like the subtle textures in the hillside behind the main subject. The second tree is mostly hidden, so I wonder about dodging it’s dark parts to better blend it into the background.

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I like the shutter speed as it captures the feel of the rain. The overall high key processing suits this scene well. I wonder whether a square crop to eliminate the tree on the right would work?