What technical feedback would you like if any?I like every feedback
What artistic feedback would you like if any?All feedback is welcome
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I’m not on board with the color palette you’ve chosen Ben. I would convert the sky blue color to a steel blue. That’s my initial gut reaction. I’m interested to see how others react to this subject. I’m also not sure about the summertime green color for this subject.
Ben, I do like the composition and clouds in this scene, but I agree with @Igor_Doncov about the colors. For me the green grass does not seem to fit with the reference to winter. Just a suggestion, maybe toning the green down, and as Igor suggested, a cool grey/blue sky might help.
Love the mood here and the “blue hour” look to this. I actually rather like the color of the clouds. But immediately drawn to the blues in the water under the tree - a bit over saturated for me.
My thought would be to turn down the blue sat in the water to come closer to the clouds up top. But also, I would go even more monochromatic by desaturating the greens as well. As mentioned by Alan, I think the green grass just doesn’t fit the mood (or season) I think tempering the colors below the tree would really bring the “blue hour” concept out more.
@Alan_Kreyger, @Igor_Doncov, @Lon_Overacker, thank’s for this important feedback.I saw especially je colors witch I liked.I don’t know enough about colors and the color wheel . I see now that I have to study that some more. I now have made a new interpretation more to the reality. I am very curious to your reactions.
Ben, I do like the rework but I also decided to take the the liberty and attach my quick rework rather than describe my thoughts. This may not be to your vision or preference but I wanted to give an alternative.
Of course these are all simply a matter of personal taste and preference. No right or wrongs here.
For me, I think you went too dark and no a bit monochromatic. Turns out, I really like the blue tones - seemingly fitting for the mood, time of day etc.
I like what Alan did in terms of luminosity, but still to monochromatic, IMO.
Here’s a quick version where I pretty much dealt with the high sat in the water and greens of the grass. I think I even bumped the sat in the clouds. Also, dropped the highlights a bit in brighter clouds.
I’m not happy with the cattails on the left, but that’s not a main concern for these comments.
Just a thought and alternate look.
Ben, I like the image concept and the composition, but agree direction-ally with the comments on color and saturation. In the original presentation, I agree with @Alan_Kreyger, it’s the green saturation that seems the most out of place, and less believable. The hue and saturation of the sky could be work with any number of subjective interpretations, hence the number of reworks this post has drawn. Ben, I think your rework is too dark and somber, for one thing the silhouettes of the tree branches kind of disappear into the darker sky, I like better the separation they had in the original post.
I’m not going to add another rework to this post, but I think @Lon_Overacker rework comes pretty close to what I would do if I were to rework it myself, the green saturation & luminosity is toned down, and the silhouette of the tree separates nicely from the sky.