Ben, I really like the mood of this one. It has a stark dreamy feel with the fog and leaning bare branches. I would not mind seeing the top of the big tree, but likely there was an intruding bright sky or something above. Not an image breaker, though. Nice image.
Welcome to NPN Ben! A terrific first post. Agree with Harley - this has great mood, atmosphere. I love the color/tones as well. What a great tree - despite it’s scraggly(?) presentation.
The composition works nicely having the tree leaning IN, leading the eye to the foggy bg - which reveals more trees. This is quite excellent.
To your question, “Is this any good?” Absolutely it is. Well seen and crafted.
Cold it is and the feeling it gives is excellent. Maybe, the tree on the right is a bit cut, giving a sense of incompleteness - at least to me. But it is a matter of personal taste, of course.
Thank you, Harley. This kind of critique is what I am looking for.
Very much like the soft light and the off-center tree in the foreground. The amount of OOF elements along the bottom edge is a tad bit distracting. My though would be to include a bit more of them to give a true sense of depth or crop them so they’d be less distracting.
Thank you,Lon. This helps a lot for me to know where I stand.
I appreciate your opinion, Thank you, Antonella.
Thank you so much, Tony. Especially because you and Sean are the great teachers for me !
I think that this is fantastic and you did a really nice job. I love the overall mood of the image! One thing I wish for is for a little bit more room above the tree on the right.
Welcome Ben! Love the concept and your vision of the scene. I have several critiques but it’s important for you to realize I’m not criticizing you; instead just offering suggestions, which you’re free to try or not. First, I feel the crop on top and right is a bit too tight; I would like to see the top of the tree included, and I think a little more room on the right of the tree would give the tree a little more breathing room, whereas now it seems a bit tight IMHO. I think increased DoF would be nice as well, but that is often subjective; the soft foreground makes it look like you shot this with a longer lens. The foggy background is superb and I wouldn’t touch it. Overall, it’s a wonderful image, and I think with a few minor tweaks it could really be outstanding. Hope to see many more images from you, and I hope you decide NPN is the site for you. You will not be disappointed. I’ve been here either 12 or 13 years and have learned so much and have made many, many friends.
Thank you Bill. Your kind of critique is just what I am looking for. Only likes as on facebook began to be annoying to me. I am 72 but still want to learn and likes don’t give anything that makes my photography better. So, thank you again !!
I largely agree with Bill. I like the composition a lot, except that I’d prefer a little more room for the tree on the right. I’d also agree that a bit more depth of field would be nice. But I love the mood and the background, especially the tree on the left.
Beautiful image with a fantastic dreamy mood. I’m truly torn between wanting to increase the dark’s on the right adding even more contrast but worried it would reduce the mood. The overall green cast may well be your intent but wondering what a touch of blue might do as well. Well done though, and definitely eye catching!
Love the composition and atmosphere. My only suggestion is to play up the dreamy atmosphere. Maybe too much contrast the background top 1/3 of the frame where the trees give it a lumpy texture, where some blur/diffusion would work nicely.
Thank you for your nice comment and tips. I am just a few days here on NPN but learning a lot already .
I am not sure if I put my answer on the right place for you to read. Maybe as a moderator you can give me an answer on this.