What technical feedback would you like if any? Any you can give me
What artistic feedback would you like if any? I saw more trees coming by on NPN, so I thought on this gloomy day I give it a try. I am curious if you like it ?
Pertinent technical details or techniques: Nikon D850, 24-70mm nikon lens, At 48mm, F11, 1/320, iso 800,
(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
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Hey Ben,
This is a great looking tree and pleasing comp.
Can’t say I’ve ever done this before, but I was wondering how you might critique your own image? For me at least, I think there is one thing that could have been done slightly differently at time of capture that would improve this. Maybe one thing in post. My only hint is that the color/sat and processing in general look good.
Kind of a reverse critique I guess. I hope I’m not putting you on the spot and my apologies up front if I did.
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Lon, I am working on this reverse critique. I like it .And even more if I can find what you mean,
I let you know .
Ben, All I was saying was to have you do the critique - kind of the reverse of me doing the critique. Really just an exercise that may or may not be helpful.
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Lon, I appreciate your proposal so much !!! I did have a very good look at all the parts of my image. And I found that it must be the yellow overcast. If it is I will replace the image once more, And, Lon, your kind of advice is so much worth to me !
Hope to hear from you
For me, the yellowishness makes it feel like Spring, so that doesn’t bother me. The comp is very centered but not necessarily a flaw. If you have a capture with the top of the tree, that woukd be great. That’s something that grabs me immediately.
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I gave the tree a bit more space. And made the overall colour more gloomy I think. Thank you again for this nice exercise . I learned a lot from it.
Marylynne, I was so happy with your comment and gave the tree more space . Indeed it looks a lot better !! Please have a look at the answer I gave to Lon Overacker.
@Ben_van_der_Sande, It was actually Marylynne’s comment about the top of the tree that was my primary thought that I withheld for the exercise. It’s such a grand and beautiful tree, even clipping just a little of it diminished the potential - at least for me.
It’s also a great exercise to show how differently we all see things and react to them; of course obvious between the photographer who was there and captured it versus a view who has no connection but the image itself. No rights or wrongs here.
Anyway, my preference on the color is your original. Also, minor observation, I think the goats are a cute inclusion but slightly distracting since the one is so close to the edge and they’re facing out!
I do like the houses - well, at least they don’t bother me and they do add to the country feel here.
thanks for playing along!
Thank’s again, Lon. It was great playing. Now I have to go out making new images after a period with to much rain and gray weather.
Much improved with the top of the tree. I like the color of the original.
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I like your repost a lot Ben. That certainly a grand tree. I like the barn and animals in the background which tells a story.
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Nice story being told here. I saw the original with the cropped top. The addition of more space to let the tree be shown in all its glory works for me.
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Rework is a big improvement, both in composition and in color. The cyan is pretty strong in that green, however.
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