What technical feedback would you like if any?
What artistic feedback would you like if any? I chose the lighter b&w to increase sense of cold. Does it work?
Scene of Long Island Sound from Milford, CT. Taken with Canon SX50, F6.3, 1/100 sec. ISO 200, +0.3 exposure
You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.
This is really nice, Patricia. Very simple and effective and I like the negative space you provide on the right. Very good work.
Good afternoon, Patricia. I am a new member from Philadelphia, so this will be my first critique on NPN. I love this photograph. The image is well exposed, sharp, and cropped just right. The composition is very good. The featureless sky enables the tree to stand out. Black and white is the correct choice, and your use of negative space is good. My only suggestion, and this is minor, is that you may want to remove some of the grass (?) from the snow in post-processing. This would make for a slightly cleaner image. Regardless, this is an excellent photograph!
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Even though this is a fairly close up view, there is still a great sense of isolation with this photograph. Great job with the spacing as others have commented - although personally I wish there was a skosh more space on the left, but that’s minor.
I also like how the tree leans in towards the center. The processing looks good as presented. I’m wondering too what a tone change in the bows would look like (darker, more contrast?) No biggie, I’m sure you’ve gone through many iterations.
This is fabulous, Patricia. I love this as presented. My initial thought was a skoch more room on the left (as Lon mentioned), but I’m not sure it’s necessary. I can imagine a tish darker darks, but that too might reduce the sense of frostiness. Might could clone out the lone taller bit of grass at the right edge, but that too is minor. Well done here.