
This is an early morning at the Madison river in Yellowstone NP.

D810, 70-200mm

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Harley, that’s a unique looking split here with the river. A neat find. Another wonderful sunrise at YNP…:+1:

Gorgeous light. I like the island and the way the river curves around it on both sides. You might consider cloning that bit of wood on the left. Processing looks really nice given the challenging light.

Great utilization of morning light. I always like the addition of mist/fog from the water and you have captured that well here. Looking Left to right you have bring the light in and it then fades to darker shadows on the mountain in background, giving the viewer the essence that the sun has not fully captured the entire scene.


Great job capturing the early morning light and the steam rising off the water. To me, there’s a good sense of bringing the viewer right there. Only thing missing is feeling cold,as I’m sure you were… :wink:

Not quite sold on the comp though. The old oxbow bend(?) is quite unique and raises questions or intrigue actually as to what’s on the other side? Is there an outlet we can’t see, or is this simply circling around like an old oxbow? I do wish it wasn’t cut off on the right and so tight on the left. I’m wondering what was left and right and whether or not a pano would have been possible, including a little more up top. Yeah, sky was blank so I get not including much more, but the ridge top on the right is a little tight. Minor, picky, yeah, but there’s a black spec in the water just to the left of dead center. I’m ok with the tree stumps.

Nice light and I’m really liking that mist coming off the water, Harley. Two thoughts:

  1. While minimizing the cloudless sky was a good choice, I think it is a bit tight up top on the right side. I would add a bit of canvas and clone in a strip of sky.
  2. Since this is a relatively colorless image, I would experiment with converting to BW. Perhaps you already did and preferred the color version?