Stranded Baby

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


This juvenile bald eagle had fallen out of its nearby nest and took up residence on a guy’s lakeshore property for a month or so getting fed fish by the parents and the property owner till it finally took flight. This was one of its favorite perches on a dead log. I got this shot from a boat one morning.

Specific Feedback

I selected the background of the bird/log subject in LR and and further diffused it with the new lens blur feature to make the background property features less noticeable. Does the subject’s pose work? I think it does with the head turn. What say you?

Technical Details

D500, Nikon 200-500 lens, hand held, 1/3200th, f 5.6, 750mm. ISO2500, cropped to 1646 x 1996.

I think the pose works, Dave and the detail is very good. The out of focus grass stems behind the head tend to draw my eye past the eagle and I think this would work a lot better if you got rid of them.

Hi Dave
Even though this is a juvenile, it already has that your are in big trouble look. Nice framing and detail. Love the eye contact. My eye was more drown the the checker background, then the grass.

Thanks for the replies, guys. I was hoping that LR’s lens blur would sufficiently knock out enough of that BG stuff but it didn’t seem to.

Hi Dave, focus on the bird looks good with fine DOF. I also find the background (fence) distracting. The pose of the bird is quite nice with the head turn to show the eye and face.

Echo all above - what a nice place to have it sitting, definitely unusual for them to be on the ground for long even as kids. The fence isn’t great, but if you were using this to illustrate the comeback eagles have made in North America, it would work a treat. The story of the nest accident, the parents still doing their parenting thing despite the proximity of humans is an interesting one, as is any helping hand a human may have given. The fence illustrates that proximity well.

I also think the pose works. I agree with Dennis about removing the grasses which intersect with the beak. I think it would be an improvement. I wish the fence wasn’t in the BG, but I think you did a good job toning down the BG to make it less noticeable.

I like the pose and the perch and the yellow flowers. Agree with the comments on the grass and fence. Maybe you could swap out backgrounds.