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While I was out on our local lake hunting a newly fledged Baldy I got to see this parent fly in with at least a 5 pound bass and it landed near the juvenile and ended up handing it over to the kid. I got some crumby shots of it flying in with it and, not only did the fish look pretty bedraggled, but so did the Bald. Tho whole lower half of the bird’s body was messed up and wet. I really wished I could’ve observed the struggle that this fish apparently was to catch. Junior was within 6 feet or so from the parent here. Note the bass’s tail hanging down. D500, Nikon 200-500 lens, Nikon 1.4 TC, hand held, 1/1000th, f 8.0, 700mm, ISO 2200, AI Clear, cropped to 5147 x 3430.
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Hi Dave
The Bold Eagle does look like a dad after a hard day at the office. This nature photograph show the hard word it take to fledge the next generation of Eagles. Nice work.
Very cool encounter. IQ on the bird looks pretty good, and I like that we can see the fish’s tail beneath the branch. Background is a little busy for my taste, and in an ideal world, the head would be lit. Hope to see more from this encounter.
Nice image, Dave. I know how difficult it can be to capture a subject like a busy eagle, and getting the shot can take precedence over other more minor aspects of composition. I agree with @Lyle_Gruby about the busy nature of the image, so I cropped it some. I would also recommend darkening the sky on the left and TLC with a customized vignette. This would reduce what some might consider rogue highlights in the sky. This all said, you have a wonderful sharp detailed image here.