Stripes on the riverbed...

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


This happened to be the fleeting glance of a swiftly moving tigress.

Specific Feedback

Any …

Technical Details

Canon R 5; 200 mm (f 2 lens); ISO 1250; 1/640 sec. at f 5.6
She appeared so suddenly that I didn’t have any time to change the settings.


Oh wow! I can’t even imagine seeing one of these in the wild! Lovely image!

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Well, Jagdeep, you may not have had time to change the settings, but you were certainly prepared for her! Your timing was perfect, composition is marvelous, I love the DOF and bokeh – and wow, oh wow, do I love the perspective! That angle of view really gives places her in her element. May I ask, what was the approximate distance between the two of you? And from her to the bank in the background? This isn’t just an exquisite image for me; it’s also inspiring me to shoot wider on my next trip. Thank you for sharing this! – Michael

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Thanks @Michael_Thornton , tigress was about 15 meters from me and the bank was far off.

PS. Please don’t mind my late response, sometimes things skip my mind due to work load and old age too :wink: