Successful hunt: white-tailed eagle with fish

White-tailed eagle in the Oder estuary, after the catch.

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

All feedback is welcome.
I have several images of eagles grabbing fish in the water, but I like this one because of the structures in the left wing and the hint of the environment in the BG. But that might not be everyones opinion :wink:

Technical details: Pentax K5, Sigma APO DG 4/100-300 @300mm, ISO400, f5.6, 1/2000sec

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

I don’t know the white-tailed eagle, but from this view it appears that the beak size falls somewhere between that of a bald eagle and the much larger beak of the stellar sea eagle.

In any case, this view emphasizes not only the great wing detail, but also the face. Might be my monitor, but is the face slightly over-exposed. Not a nit, but ignorance of the bird.

I like the strong graphics of the extended wing, Han. The sunlit portions of the Eagle do look a bit bright to my eye, but I’ve never seen one in real life. Nice detail and I do like the tree tops in the background.

Very nice flight shot and great to get him with a catch Han. Compositionally I might crop a bit more from the left.

Cool behavioral image. Consider a minor levels adjustment to give the lighter areas a little more pop.

Thank you all, for taking your time and for your comments. I’ll take them all into account when I re-edit the image.