Catch of the Day

Critique Style Requested: Initial Reaction

Please share your immediate response to the image before reading the photographer’s intent (obscured text below) or other comments. The photographer seeks a genuinely unbiased first impression.

Questions to guide your feedback

Any suggestions?

Other Information

Please leave your feedback before viewing the blurred information below, once you have replied, click to reveal the text and see if your assessment aligns with the photographer. Remember, this if for their benefit to learn what your unbiased reaction is.

Image Description

I photographed this White-tailed Eagle from a boat off the west coast of Scotland’s Isle of Mull.

Technical Details

Tried to keep the whites under control on a bright day.

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Initial Reaction: Awesome!

Follow on: Very sharp, excellent exposure, nice composition. I really like the ripples in the primaries. I don’t recall ever seeing that phenomenon before. After reading your grayed out note, I took a second look at the whites. The top of the head looks pretty featureless in the whites, but to me that’s pretty minor. The angle on that part of the bird is very shallow which makes it difficult to get texture in a uniform color and the result doesn’t have a significant impact on the image to me.

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Wow! Very cool photograph! So wonderful to have the splash from the fish and talons leaving the water. I appreciate your composition; it makes sense to me to have the head in centre as the fish and talons are off centre and my eyes go back and forth in a triangle from the curled feathers at the tip of the wings and the fish. The colours are rich and beautiful. I do wonder if you may have raised the shadows beneath the bird a little too much…they are lovely details but I am not sure they are realistic? It looks like an overcast day. (I hope that makes sense…and this is a very picky detail.)


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What a great image!
The intensity of the look on the eagle matches the strength of the bird. The composition and sharpness are spot-on! Absolutely perfect timing!

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Great catch for you…and the Eagle, Charles! :slight_smile:

You did a great job with the composition and the exposure on this image!
I can easily see the power in the eagle… and how quickly the fish’s journey changed from chasing minnows to being a meal for the eagle.
I love the texture of the water, the shadow and the freeze frame of the splash!
The focus and the details of the eagle are awesome in my view.

Very well done, Charles! :slight_smile:

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Love the power of the eagle captured here and seeing the fish coming out of the water. Very impactful composition. I’m wondering about the processing of this image though - details seem bit washed out to me especially on the lower wings. Still a fine catch and image!

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My initial reaction is WOW, I like the white water under its talons and the perfect shape of the fish laying across his talons. A very powerful image Charles.

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