Sunrise Clearing


This is a smaller view of what was a grander scene just west of Tonopah, Nevada back in 2009. Off and on rain showers at sunrise cleared just enough for a rainbow to form against the Monte Cristo Range.

What technical feedback would you like if any?

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

Any and all - this is an old base image from 2009, reprocessed yesterday to something of a new vision, and cropped a bit from even my tightest telephoto shot from that morning.

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

The base image was a single exposure, ISO 100, 300mm, f/45, 1.3s. Nearly all of the processing was done in Lightroom with quite a few brush adjustments, and some spot removal done in Photoshop.

If you would like your image to be eligible for a feature on the NPN Instagram (@NaturePhotoNet), add the tag ‘ig’ and leave your Instagram username below.

@joshcouts on Instagram

Hi @joshcouts,

Welcome to NPN, I’m sure you will enjoy this comunity.
That’s a great first image. I like the warm earth tones being bathed by that sunrise ligth and that rainbow add’s something of mistical to the scene.
The layers of luminosity also give it a feeling of depth, the frame ratio work great for me with those major lines being balanced on the composition.
It’s a bit soft (maybe because of the crop) but it’s not a huge problem for me, it even adds a waterpainting sensation.

The only thing i would (maybe) do diferently would be burn that middle left bright area a bit, it steals the attention from that center ligth a bit.

Thanks for sharing, again welcome to the comunity.

Hello Josh, and welcome to NPN. Thank you for sharing your work with us, and I hope to you posting more of your work here. I like the composition a lot. This telephoto extraction/crop has created a nice series of layers within the scene, and I like the varied luminosity of each layer. The light on that center layer is exquisite, and perhaps even more interesting than the rainbow. And the last light kissing the top of the bottom mountain isn’t too shabby either :grin:

My only suggestion for a tweak here is about the color, which of course is a matter of personal taste. I think what you have works okay, but to my eye it a slightly too red/magenta. If this were mine I might try shifting the colors for a different interpretation, that achieves a different level of color separation. Here is a rework I did that reduce red (adding cyan), and adds yellow (warming it up.) These adjustments were done using the Color Balance tool in Photoshop, which lets you play with a cyan/red slider in addition to the 2 White Balance sliders you normally have in Lightroom Blue/Yellow, Magenta/Green. Just my $0.02 on the color, it’s your image and your vision that matter most though.


Welcome to NPN! Great to have you here and hope you jump right in with comments and participation.

Beautiful first post too. I’m really liking the fact that you extracted just a part of the rainbow and didn’t go the classic wide angle view (I’ll be though, you have some!) :wink:

No nits or suggestions really, but I do think Ed’s color adjust is spot on. But really, it is a matter of preference. Given the stormy conditions, breaking light, etc. etc., your original post interpretation is just as viable.

thanks for sharing and welcome aboard!
