The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
Was cruising during an early morning familiarization with Yellowstone. As I looked in my rearview mirror I saw this scene and had to stop and capture what I saw. Glad I did as it is one of my favorite images to date.
Specific Feedback
All comments welcome.
Technical Details
Leica M246 Monochrom, APO 50 f2 lens @f5.6 ISO 320 SS 1/500 hand held
Louis, this is definitely a “wow!” image. The clouds are dramatic, the shafts of light extraordinary, with the trees and their reflections spaced out perfectly. It all comes together so well. Needless to say, I love the black & white. I don’t think this image would be as strong in color. Question: The image is grainy. Did you use a special filter/plug-in to achieve an analog look? It creates an interesting esthetic over all. I love this image!
Thanks Susanna. The image was taken with a Monochrom B&W only camera so no color image exists of this scene. The grain is a bit natural since it is baked into the image due to the sensor.
Leica Monochrom M246-a 24MP camera, now 3 generations back from the current Monochrom-the M11 Monochrom-60MP. I sometimes wonder if I should get one again as I really like the images it always produced.
Meant to comment on your question about adding grain or whatever. I am a very basic PP type of person and as such have little experience adding to an image. If it comes OOC to my liking I feel blessed and pretty much leave it alone. Taking out dust spots is advanced for me.
Just popped in to mention that Panasonic and Leica have the L2 partnership which has been great for lenses, but the upcoming Lumix G9 II will have Leica Monochrome baked in with the other camera color styles. I sometimes use a monochrome screen and the other B&W photo styles, but this will be a nice addition that I’m anxious to try out when I get my hands on one. Of course it won’t be a dedicated monochrome camera like what you have, but it will provide the same look in many ways.