Sunset in Cypress Swamp

I took another swamp tour this weekend in northwest Tennessee. I liked how the clouds were outlined in this scene with the lone cypress tree.

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Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Canon 7D2, 24-105 f4L
ISO 250, f4, 1/4000s, hand held from boat


A real beauty. The Cypress is watching the sunset which in turn directs our attention to it. Great photo.

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Hi. Allen. I like the subtle color here, the silhouette of the lone tree and the lighting is excellent. Nicely seen and executed.

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Gorgeous, Allen. I like what @Jim_Gavin said about the Cypress watching the sunset. Looks like a wonderful place to watch the sunset. Nicely done.

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Gorgeous! I miss cypresses. The golden light is so dramatic here. Maybe a tad more room on the right…either by expanding the crop or adding some canvas w/content aware. The silhouette is killer and balances well with the rim of light on the cloud. What a great place to end the day.

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Gorgeous sunset colors and silhouette!!! The tree pointing at the cloud is perfect and it has such an elegant shape! I love the color gradient int he water. I wonder if you could have used a long-enough shutter speed to blur the water?

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Absolutely perfect in every way. Print it, frame it and hang it proudly. Preferably on my wall!

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