Another sunset shot from Tennessee’s cypress swamp (Reelfoot Lake). I liked the reflections/pattern of the three trees relatively evenly spaced out.
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Canon 7D2, 24-105 f4L
ISO 250, f4, 1/250s, hand held from boat
Lovely silhouette due to the frilly branches and a perfect background light. Nevertheless the main point of interest are those bold three black trunks at the bottom of the trees against the bright water. I don’t feel the reflection is doing much for the image and it’s stealing attention from other areas. I would only leave enough to provide a solid base for the trees and crop off the rest.
This is a beautiful cypruss silhouette and the group of three works very well. I agree with @Igor_Doncov that the amount of reflection is not adding much. But I would only crop about 15% off of the bottom. I would prefer leaving some of the trunk reflection leading in from bottom.
I did not know Tennessee had a Cyprus swamp, it’s good to know for future reference.
A lovely find! I like @Igor_Doncov’s suggestion. I wonder about pulling up just a bit more BG color as well.
Allen, what a magnificent subject for a silhouette, the graphic shapes were just made for doing this. I am also a big fan of symmetry, so I love the look of these 3 trees. I agree with the others comments about a crop from the bottom, I’d eliminate about half of the reflections. But nice vision on your part to see this, I love the overall look of this image. Well done…
I like the pattern and symmetry, but the silhouette elements do occupy a large part of the image, and this makes the contrast seem a bit strong. I think the sky could be darkened a bit and the trunks/trees out of the water might show a little detail in the trunk.