Sunset Inferno Knockan Crag

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Knockan Crag, Assynt, Scotland

A fiery red glow spread the entire length of the loch across from Knockan Crag following a brief but torrential summer downpour, reflected red light coloured the loch and with the red glow of sunset seeping around the mountains, I knew I wanted to try and catch it in it’s entirety so I used multiple exposures and stitched them together which resulted in this memorably beautiful scene unfolding before my eyes. Most astonishing was wee Stac Pollaidh (the small pointy one), glowing like an erupting volcano.

Technical Details

Fuji GFX 50S, Fuji GF 100-200 zoom, 3 stop ND filter, f/11 at about 4 seconds. ISO 100, this was a five shot panoramic stitch.


Spectacular, Ian. Congrats.

Really beautiful image, Ian. I love the colors and the stark, almost black mountain backdrop. The glow around that little pointy mountain does indeed look like a volcano blowing it’s lid. I do find the two hot spots around that mountain to be a bit of a distraction but otherwise, this is beautifully presented.

Gorgeous, and a beautiful stitch!! I would never quit playing with the tonal sliders with a sky like this. My only thought would be if something like a masked Nik Tonal Contrast (or a TK luminosity mask) could bring out a bit more detail in the mountains.

That drama laden sky with it’s rich warm tones is exquisite, Ian. I also am enjoying those lovely colors reflected in the water along with the glowing peak in the BG. my only suggestion would be to try and tone down the brightness of the patch of sky on the right side of that peak. This had to be breath taking to witness first hand.

Epic Ian! Hard to offer any critique here! What a grand moment.

The only suggestion I have would be to reduce the highlights generally on the left side just to keep the eye and viewer in the frame. Very minor of course.

I can only imagine standing there for this moment. Epic.

Thankyou everyone for your feedback. It was quite an overwhelmingly beautiful and extremely transient moment.

Beautiful. I would probably have darkened the sky more. That would have been a mistake. You kept the photo believable.

It’s not often that everything comes together but it did for you, and you had the skills to make the most of it.