Sunset with high surf

This was taken at the beach in San Francisco. We have had very high surf lately ( A surfer died a couple of days ago). This was only moderate compared to some days. About a third of the sunsets develop this bright orange about 30-40 minutes after the sun sets. It really was this orange.

Specific Feedback Requested

Any and all comments and suggestions welcome. Especially about the crop.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Taken at 17:42, 1/500 sec, f/11,176mm, ISO 800


@Tony_Siciliano this is a beautiful capture. i like the warm light and the layers created by the waves.

there is something in the lower third that kind of feels off - but i can’t really put my finger on it. maybe it’s that dark line that cuts through the image. a crop above the dark line helps - but of course changes the overall appearance of the image.


Wow, this color was 30 minutes after sunset ? That’s amazing light for being so late. A lot of raging surf images are shot from a side angle viewpoint, but I really like this head on perspective, it’s very different looking. The spacing of the waves is just about perfect. Your processing of the backlit spray looks spot on.

This is similar to my initial reaction too. After playing with it a bit, I thought a slight dodging of the bottom 2 or 3 bands made the image more appealing to me.

This is a beauty, Tony. Like @Ed_McGuirk, I would favor lightening the dark band of shadowed wave almost at the bottom. I find it a bit of an eye stopper, but otherwise, it looks great to me.

Gorgeous Tony. I love all of the shades of orange and various textures in the layers. And the sprays add a wonderful sense of energy. I grew up in San Francisco . . . this bring back so many memories. Definite “wall hanger” for me. Very nicely done and great patience on your part to wait … . and wait… and wait some more!

Thanks for the comments one and all. As suggested, I lightened parts of the bottom (some more than others), and also cropped a bit off the bottom and added back a bit of the sky. I think the redo is better.


I have seen the surf like and it’s always stunning. A great capture of a special moment. It’s the spray that causes the mistiness so it’s expected that the bottom would be different Plus the bottom has strong reflections. So I go with the original and see the bottom as a feature, not a distraction.

What an amazing sunset. I like your repost Tony. The lightened band at the bottom is much less of an eye stopper. The backlit spray is wonderfully dramatic.