Super Moon - 1/31/18

I stated on my first moon WC post that I do not go moon hunting to photograph any given scene. Well this image was a rare exception. I’d hiked this area a couple weeks in advance and was aware of the super moon event from news articles. As a result I verified the setting moon path and time with the TPE program and it was perfect for my location choice.

The best laid plans can even have some challenges. I needed to be at the location early enough to set up my 4x5 unit. No big thing there as long as I find the spot OK. That was the challenge. As this site was well below the sunrise horizon in a valley the only real light was from the moon back-lighting. Thankfully I had plotted the exact spot using my Garmen GPS unit and got there in plenty of time.

Wista DXIII 4x5 - Schneider APO 150mm - 3 stop soft grad - Velvia 50

Beautiful scene, Paul, but I am finding the magenta in the sky makes it look quite wonky to my eye (if wonky even makes any sense in this context).

Hey Harley, thanks for the comment. I think that word wonky I’ve been able to grasp over the years…:clown_face:

I’ve not worked on this image since 2018. Might need another processing look see. I really am so busy these days hard to work on things from the past much…:thinking:

Paul, another lovely look at the full moon over a fine desert scene. The color transition from magenta to blue adds some extra interest and the golden glow of the land is quite striking. This also looks good as a pano, cropped just above the leafless bush on the right but I’m always a bit reluctant to suggest a random pano crop because of the challenges associated with printing “non- standard” shapes.

Mark, thank you as always for the comments and additional ideas too…:+1:

I can see that pano working easily as you’ve suggested. But like you I’m not sure about the aspect ratio for printing ability…:thinking: