Supply Run - Rufous Hummingbird

Nest Fluff - Rufous Hummingbird

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I was hanging out in my backyard and noticed the Rufous coming to get nesting supplies. We have raw cotton available for bird to use and the hummingbirds love it.

Technical Details

OM System OM-1 Mark II
Olympus 300mm f4.0
1/1000sec at f8.0 ISO 800


Wow. These are really nice. I’m impressed how sharp the heads are. Maybe on the second one a bit more room on the left and top and is there more detail in the wings?

Unfortunately there is no more detail in the wings. I will revisit my cropping. Thanks for the feedback.

Outstanding images, Greg. No doubt I’m sure these guys wing flapping speeds are difficult at best to get much detail. Regardless, knowing that these images are very nice… :sunglasses:

Excellent, Greg. Beautiful detail in the heads of the birds and the cotton. The wings don’t bother me as that’s what hummingbird wings do. Sometimes you get lucky and catch them at the top or bottom of the stroke and they looks a bit more well defined, but this is what I often get. A slightly looser composition would suit my taste more, but these certainly show the action well.

I’m curious-what was the black background?

P.S. Years ago we found our hummingbirds getting lint from the dryer vent. We’ve been putting it out for them in the spring since then.

Thanks for the kind words, the background is my kitchen window.

Wonderful captures Greg! So interesting to see this behavior. Fine detail and exposure on the body of the hummer. The blur in the wing is perfectly fine IMO as this just shows their fast motion. Agree with more room on the left. Really fine catch.

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Simply wonderful, with lovely lighting! I agree with more room on the left and top for the second, which I think is the stronger image. The blur for the first is a bit awkward although the head angle is pleasing.

With this dark BG you might get away with diffused flash to give a faster effective SS with less wing blur.