Pertinent technical details or techniques: Nikon D500 \ NIKON 200-500 f5.6 / ISO 560 / 1/3200 f7.1
Is this a composite? (focus stacks or exposure blends are not considered composites)
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A little painful to witness, but nature is not sentimental. The backlighting created a shadow of the poor hapless frog, but it’s a great touch. There’s a little bit more noise than we usually see with images this bright. Did you boost the exposure in post?
Wonderful catch! Noise should be easy to deal with and is basically removed in most workflows today. I wonder about some blur of the water at the bottom and maybe more on the BG.
Avi, the bird’s “pose” is nice and sharp. The backlighting is lighting the flight feathers well even as we see detail in the darker areas. The frog’s shadow is a great extra. There’s a painterly effect, in the oof stones along the bottom that seems to fade higher in the image. Is that deliberate? Your timing here is excellent.
Thank you for the comments and suggestions they were all taken to heart.
The first photo was just made smaller from the RAW and posted as is.
I edited the photo a little and removed the noise also cropping it by straitening the photo. I added a little more exposure and A touch of sharpness was added. Diane that’s not water but asphalt .The lake is on the right and the farmers fields to the left with a service road running between them. The Egret dropped the frog as he was starting to fly across the road This gave me the few seconds I needed to stop the car lean out the window and take 5 shots.
Mark the angle of the shot gives that strange effect on the road .The road is NOT very LEVEL
Wow! What a capture. The backlighting is beautiful. Wings are not blown out at all and evey feather shows. The shadow is the frog cracks me up! What a bonus that is. I do agree that it seems like there is some noise. But, I just love this image.