Te dunes near Egmond ( north holland)

After reading these wonderful comments thanks, John, Lon and Igor

These dunes keep our feet dry from the north see and also provide us for drinking water

What technical feedback would you like if any?All feedback is more then welcome

What artistic feedback would you like if any?All feedback is more then welcome

Pertinent technical details or techniques: D810, F11, 1/50, iso 100, lens 24-70 at 29mm.

(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)

If you would like your image to be eligible for a feature on the NPN Instagram (@NaturePhotoNet), add the tag ‘ig’ and leave your Instagram username below.
You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

I really like your processing here Ben. It looks very artsy to me and yet still clearly photographic. I also like how you’ve shown so much beauty in something so common. My only suggestion is the bright bush in the llc. I would darken it so it looks to be still in the shadow rather than crop off any of the left.

Well done.

Love the colors that are mixed in there Ben, and the winding of the draw works very well.

That lower right corner subtracts from the overall image to my eye, and I wonder if it was an option to step into the scene a little more so that it was out of the composition? You would have lost the lower left corner as well, but I think that would maybe be better too.


A quiet, lovely and beautiful scene. As Igor eludes, it’s a scene that most often under appreciated in it’s non-dramatic beauty. Processing, colors are wonderful.

Would agree with the comment too on both the lower corners. Burning rather than cropping the LLC would be better. I think you could get away with just burning the LRC, but there’s also the brighter bare areas near the right edge above the bushes. Although it’s a significant crop, you could crop away the LRC and the bare area on the right and still be left with a lovely view looking down the draw to the far hills and complimentary sky.

Still, this is quite lovely as presented.


@Igor_Doncov, @John_Williams, @Lon_Overacker. thanks for your nice comments. I tried to improve my image.

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Not only did you try to improve your image, you were very successful. Well done.