Temptation + Rework

REWORK, with @Kyle_Kephart’s suggestion for a closer crop:


I rather like the “plants in conversation” idea. This one felt like the young maiden being lured by the old crone. She is trying to resist, but feels the pull of the underworld.

Specific Feedback Requested

Any critique welcome.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
a7r3, 105mm, f/16, 1/80s, ISO 800, hand held. Cropped, dodging/burning to even out distracting dark/bright areas and accentuate the leaf edge.

Wonderful photo, Bonnie, and your thoughts about how they are relating to each other. I do like the contrast and play between the older withered tree on the right and the still younger on the left. Nicely seen.

Such a well seen image! I love the careful thought given to make sure the branches don’t touch as well as the detail in the water. The image overall lacks some context and perhaps a slight crop off the top to fill the frame could be interesting! Wonderful as is though! :clap:t3:

The Western Maple is so lovely against the blue-gray, and the composition makes me smile! No nits!

Plants aside, I think it shows great finesse to have those clouds in the reflection.

A rather interesting juxtaposition of the two trees, with a fine background to show them off. The image has a great tension to it. I rather like it.

Thank you, @linda_mellor, @Kyle_Kephart, @Diane_Miller, @Adhika_Lie, and @Harley_Goldman for your thoughts.

Kyle, cropping a bit closer is a good idea, along with changing the aspect ratio. I posted a rework with a closer crop and a wider aspect ratio. It gives more of a feeling of back and forth conversation laterally. Thanks!


I like this image a lot, a great find and composition and the crop makes it even better. Your color management is just perfect, and the water with cloud reflections makes a perfect BG. Calm enough not to disturb, but at the same time some texture so it not becomes dull.

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Bonnie, I’m impressed with the set up and vision here. The two types of trees contrast well and you’ve done a great job of having each one occupy it’s own space, even as they stay nicely separated. I also like the added textures in the reflection background. The tighter crop is a subtle improvement.