Terms of Endearment & Repost

Same photo as yesterday but very different crop based on several suggestions. Thanks to everyone for feedback.

Specific Feedback Requested

This crop was my original thought but because there was a large Lily pad leaf in front of the female Wood Duck, I opted for the larger view with more environment. I was able to remove the out of focus Lily pad in front of the female and I think it looks pretty good for doing that. Compare both images.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Iso-400, 400 mm +1.4 X, F5, 2500th, handheld/beanbag, now approximately 5% of full frame. I think it holds up pretty well.

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I would have gone with “Sweet Nothings” but your title works, David. The severe crop held up quite nicely and definitely shows the action better. Nice work.

The crop does hold up! The leaf in the LLC is weird though and I can’t stop looking at it. Lots of desat and burning in? Maybe consider another way to make it less noticeable. Wouldn’t want to take attention from that marvelous couple. The only time I’ve ever managed decent shots of woodies is when a pair of them was in a tree in the backyard. They compete with the hoodies for an abandoned pileated woodpecker nest and it’s pretty funny to see them perched on branches.

A nice , intimate interaction shot and given that, probably works better with this crop compared to the earlier post-though I do like the environment you captured. Great detail and colors and I can’t recall seeing the green iridescence on the female’s head before, so nice capture of that.

Repost with suggested changes.

Hm. It’s not subtle, but I don’t know if I’d catch it if I didn’t know what you did. The birds are too interesting for people in general to be looking for it.

Hi David
Your shot has great color detail and framing. I would have rather left the leaf or gone with the second post. If Dennis 's shot was posted first, the caption could have read. I told you they wanted the pitchfork!.

Any way I look at it, this is a gorgeous capture of the ducks and a terrific behavioral photo. Nicely done, David.

Beautiful! I do like this crop.

That really stood up well to the crop. Looks great. Well done.