The Basin

Just returned from the NENP meetup and I had a blast. Many thanks to @Ed_McGuirk and @Patricia_Brundage for putting this event together. We had a wide range of weather conditions so we had multiple opportunities to shoot different subjects. This particular image is of the Basin; a unique formation in the White Mountains of NH. The scouring effects of sand and stones left from the last ice age worked their magic and created this lovely work of art for us to enjoy.

What technical feedback would you like if any?

All C&C welcome

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

All C&C welcome

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
Nikon D800, Nikon 17-35 @ 17 mm, f 16 @ 1/5 sec, ISO 400, CPL, cable release & tripod

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You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.
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This looks like a place where one could spend a long time using various focal lengths, shutter speeds, etc. And certainly a case made here for overcast skies. The formations, eroded sandstone and the water flow through the scene make for a wonderful scene.

Ok, I know the overhanging rock and the diffused light are factors here, but Iā€™m kinda wishing for more light/detail in both the rock and water. I know, itā€™s naturally darker in thereā€¦ I think though that occupies over 1/3 of the overall scene and so for me, makes it heavy to that side. Iā€™m guessing the intent was to keep the entire flow of the river - and that makes sense. I think bumping up the light in there, even just a little would make a difference.

Colors, processing of the stone and water look great. Love that diffused light for so many subjects.

Sounds like you all had a great time and weā€™ll look forward to more in the coming days and weeks.


We sure did, we must have spent an hour at this one location, doing that very thing.

Ed, I like this really wide view of the Basin, I love how you got that whole pothole in the foreground. I also like the underwater rocks beneath the curve of the rock formation. Shutter speed looks good for water flow. I agree with @Lon_Overacker, I would like to see a little more luminosity on the left side of the image, some local dodging would probably do the trick. Perhaps a levels adjustment to the midtones, and then just mask it in to specific areas. I also think this would make for a great B&W image as well, once the luminosity is increased a bit.

It was a pleasure meeting you this past week, I hope you came away with some good keepers.

Top notch, Ed. One of the best shots of the Basin Iā€™ve seen. Love how youā€™ve included the whole portion of the water under the eroded rock on the left. Perfect SS and I like the pothole and rock in the LLC. I would dodge in the overhanging rock face and the underlying water. I know you always tell me my monitor is dark, so maybe thatā€™s why it looks dark. Also agree it might make a great B&W. Worth a try.

Great shotā€¦nice lines. Enjoyable to explore the scene. Agree with balancing luminance throughout sceneā€¦in addition to dodging the dark rock/water, the first turn of that water is a major draw to my eye being so pure white. Probably nothing to be done there, and Iā€™m not even sure I would call that a ā€œcriticismā€, but just an observation on where my eye is drawn. REALLY like the harmonious color paletteā€¦extremely pleasing. Sharpness/detail/texture look spot on as well. Thanks for sharing.

Hi Ed, I agree with much of what has already been shared: the left side feels dark but the composition is really nice. The only other thing Iā€™d add is the overall tone looks a bit green; thatā€™s what stood out the most when I first saw the thumbnail on the main gallery page.

I think if you could dodge the lighter portions of the rock face on the left, and maybe just a touch of brightening on the darker rock face closer to the water, it would help balance the frame out overall. I think Iā€™d lean towards boosting the whites/highlights in the water a bit, too, but thatā€™s personal preference.

I really like this composition. I could see dodging the rocks on the left yet preserving the look that it is in shadow. Thereā€™s a lot of good texture to the ledge youā€™re standing on. It really adds a lot to the image. Good call on not stepping to itā€™s edge and just shooting the water. The granite always seems warmer from this part of the world than in our Sierras. I like it.

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Hi Ed. The larger view of this image really brings out the texture and detail in the rocks. Composition is spot on. Your image is making me consider driving back up to NH soon. Looks like you came away with some stellar images.

Thanks folks @Lon_Overacker, @Ed_McGuirk, @Michael_Lowe, @Jim_McGovern, @Michael_Rung, @Igor_Doncov and @Patricia_Brundage for your thoughts; always appreciated. Here is a repost with a mid tone adjustment in levels to bring up the shadows a little. I also brought up the whites just a bit. Good idea on th

e B&W; I will play around and see what I come up with.


Nice improvement! It feels much more balanced, and I like that you can see a bit more detail in the wooded area in the background.

Ed, There ya goā€¦ still in ā€œshadowā€ as the scene dictates, but much more balanced with the overall scene. Thanks for taking the time and re-working. Mucho improved.


Real nice scene, Ed and good job on the rework. I find it an improvement over the original. I am really enjoying the composition and the way the falls meander through the frame. Very enjoyable.

Ed, this is an amazing scene. As already stated it looks like a place one could work on with all kinds of options and ideas. With that said, this original image composition is excellent all the way around. For me it is the repost that works so well. I was going to comment on the scene being dark, but glad I scrolled down to see the reworked imageā€¦EXCELLENTā€¦:+1: