The beauty of the Insignificant-2

Big Bluestem grass
They are ubiquitous in a prairie but rarely noticed. The colorful inflorescences brush against people when they walk on a trail, but go unnoticed. They are difficult to photograph as they move with slightest hint of wind and need perfect stillness to make an image. I am fascinated by these grass flowers. The anthers are about 2mm long.
These images were made in two different places. I couldn’t simply pick one, so I am posting both. I would like to hear which one makes more impact than the other.

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Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Image 1:
Canon 7DII + 180/3.5 + tripod
f/8, 1/60, ISO 800
Canon DPP4 for RAW, PSCC, NIK detail extractor, cropped to pano format
Image 2:
Canon 7DII + 180/3.5 + tripod
f/11, 1/60, ISO 800
Canon DPP for RAW, PSCC, copped to a pano format, NIK detail extractor

1 Like

Beautiful colors and patterns. Very nicely done.

Ravi, This photo is a gem. The complimentary colors of the subject and background are very good. The water droplets make the shot work.

Ravi, both images are spectacular, but I am really drawn to the one with the dew. It shows more of the colors variants, and I am always intrigued with dew droplets. You certainly did a wonderful job, considering the fact that they are difficult to photograph since the slightest breeze can move them. Excellent capture of both, but I do like the one with the dew best of all.

Ravi, these are both lovely photos. The soft pink/purple flowers pop against the OOF greenish background. At least for me, the first images just sparkles with all of the water droplets lined up. Very nicely seen, captured and executed.

Although both are splendid, I prefer the first, especially because of the droplets and the wonderful rather muted colors.

Ravi. The first image is just splendid in color and detail. There is no need to critique either, both are excellent… but those dew drops put the first over the top.