The Beauty of Vultures & 2 reposts

Some of you already know about my love for vultures. And I have posted this photo before in color. So, I was thinking about a way to present them to make people like them. I thought that doing them in black and white or maybe a high key style, just something more artistic could make people see what beautiful birds they really are.

Here is with noise reduction and punch b&w…

Also I tried it with infrared b&w?….

Specific Feedback Requested

Any thoughts about this image itself and about presenting them in this style or other

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Nikon D3400
ISO 800
Cropped and converted to black and white

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This one needs to be seen large to gain the effect of all of the different textures and black-and-white tonal values. Effective head turn. It does seem a tad bit noisy and perhaps another round of noise reduction would be beneficial.

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Hi Vanessa, nice black and white treatment although I do see the noise David mentions. Great pose that really shows off this bird well.

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Great capture, Vanessa. I also like the black/white effect and the pose really shows off the bird. Vultures do seem to take a bad rap but when I think about how nature works it always amazes me. Everything, animal, insect, plants and weather all have a purpose and, when left alone, it seems to work quite well.

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Hi Vanessa,

The noise is not bad and you may want to redo the shot from your RAW file and do a slightly more aggressive bout of noise suppression. I think that having some slight graininess provides a more artistic feel to the image. The black and white treatment works well for this image. …Jim

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Thank you, so much @David_Schoen @Allen_Sparks @linda_mellor @Jim_Zablotny for looking at my vulture and all your feedback and comments. Yeah, I noticed that it was pretty noisy as well. I didn’t have my ISO up high enough for the low light situation. So I had to bring the exposure up in pp. I hadn’t done any noise reduction in the original post but these two have it. What are your thoughts? I almost think it takes away from any details in the feathers. But I would love your input! Thanks again for your time!

A nice shot of a TV. They can be cute. The NR has gone too far and given it a plastic look and lost some separation of the dark values. I think you’re using limited software, and if the NR is not tuneable, I’d leave the noise. The third one is too low contrast, with the black point too gray.

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Thanks @Diane_Miller! I totally agree. I usually don’t like what noise reduction does at least with the tools I have. It just makes me know that I have to keep working on my camera settings even more. Like I need to be able to know just by the light at the time and the subject what they should be. I know I still have a long way to go! Aside from technical details what do you think of the concept?