The Boiler Room

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


This scene is like a natural boiler room, with the sunlight hitting the rocks in bright, hot spots that stand out against the deep shadows. It looks like a place full of power and heat, where the light and dark play off each other, making the rocks look as if they could be part of a steamy, bustling engine room.

Specific Feedback

Any feedback welcome

Technical Details

14 mm at ISO 100 and 1⁄500sec at ƒ/8

Great photo and great description. Those are some awesome looking rocks. What are all the white specs in the lower left of the image? They really stand out in the larger image.

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Thanks Michael! Those white dots are sea shells, something like a limpet, they are part of the landscape around here. :+1:

Those really are amazing rocks, and this fits really well with this series of seaside rocks you’ve been posting. Great drama.

Very cool shot Don !!! Sea Shells Wow !!! The rocks look amazing!!! I love the tone of this photograph !!!