Yesterday am, I found myself hiking a paved trail that ran roughly parallel to the Mississippi River and maybe 100 yds off it. In between me and the river was some fairly dense ‘woodlands’. And it was in that woodlands area I had originally anticipated finding images that might fit nicely into an ongoing series/project.
Interestingly enough, it was on the opposite side of that paved trail where I found this image. There was a rather large corn field on my right (opposite side of the trail from the woodlands) that was fairly well shaded by the tree line on left. But despite the heavy shade, there were slivers of light that managed to peek through the trees and light up small areas in the corn field. And the dynamic range between the shaded areas and those spot lit by the slivers of light occasionally finding their way to the corn field caught my attention. So, I just kept walking along that trail as long as my digits could stand and found a couple more with a similar vibe.
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Technical Details
It is a composite image…one ‘straight’ image of the scene in combination with one where ICM was employed. As I was experimenting with a variety of movements during the session, so hesitate to say exactly which one was used for this image. But just looking at it, I’m inclined to think it was largely a straight vertical swipe. And if memory serves, it was a 4 sec shutter speed.