Camera Info: Nikon D750
Lens: VR 180mm f/2.8G
Focus Mode: Manual
AF-Area Mode: Single
Aperture: f/4.5
Shutter Speed: 1/100s
Exposure Mode: Aperture Priority
Metering: Spot
ISO Sensitivity: ISO 200
87% of ffull frame
PP in LR/PS CC 2018, Zerene stacker Pro, Topaz and Camera Raw filters, TK Sharpen for Web @ 50%
You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.
Lovely, Phil. I like the composition and your stacking is excellent as usual. The only nit I can find is the out of focus tip of a petal sticking out in the upper left quadrant of the bloom.
Thank you, gentlemen. I toned down the leaf in the lrc and eliminated the OOF petal tip. The truncated sharp leaf atop the flower I left alone. It’s a good leading line and an awful chore to clone and replace.
Nice job on the stacking and you captured some ideal sharpness on this lily. I would reduce the cyans down slightly as the greens seem to be a bit blue on my monitor…Jim
Phil: Wonderful subject superbly rendered. I like how much environment you’re showing here. I’m OK with the leaves in the original and repost both. The drops are nice icing on a fine cake.>=))>