The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
Many be am lucky again to have this flower for a second time in two months, as usual was unexpected and had little time to prepare. Was larger than the previous in size.
6D 2, 180 Tamron , F5, 1/ 160, ISO 400, cross light flask with diffuser
Specific Feedback
any feedback is welcome
Technical Details
6D 2, 180 Tamron , F5, 1/ 160, ISO 400, cross light flask with diffuser
Critique Template
Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.
Beautiful! Maybe a little more room on the sides?
I’m unsure about that bright lower horizontal-ish ?root? ?stem?
It adds a contrast to the symmetrical petals, which I love - perhaps just darken the brightest area a bit?
Lovely image, Balan.
Beautiful lighting, Balan, and a very interesting flower. I could see bringing down the brightest part of the stem just a little as mentioned by Sandy. The local adjustment brush in LR combined with the highlights slider has been working well for me in similar situations. It’s far more subtle than the exposure slider and with the dark surroundings you don’t have to be very precise.
Balan: What a beautiful flower superbly rendered. I had to look at the stem a bit more carefully to understand what it was but I think it is a fine support element. Great look at a unique and rare flower. >=))>
Gorgeous! Were you able to shoot any other compositions? I’d also love to see a little more room on the sides and wonder about looking down at it a bit, if that was possible. I like the idea of darkening the stem a little.
What a delectable flower for a study. Like Diane, I wonder at different angles and perspectives. This is a terrific straight on portrait, but I feel like the stem competes a little since it’s so bright. For me, it needs to be there so it has context and logic, but maybe a shade darker would work. The light and texture are sublime.