The eyes have it

This northern Harrier has been hanging out with the coyote I posted about a week ago in wildlife. They both seem to own the wetland. I was very fortunate today to get a fair number of shots of this hawk but in most of them, it is looking straight down. I do prefer eye contact when you can get it.

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Is this a composite: No
Iso 1600, 400+ 2X, F5 .6, 2500th, A7r4, handheld, about 40% of full frame for both shots


These are wonderful! I absolutely love the first one for the perfect BG, for which you composed so well, with the bird in that low spot and the upsweep of the lower plants matching the wing. And the next color-coordinated BG.

Two good looks at the Harrier. I like how you got them both in good positions. The second one is also a good look at some typical habitat for them. Well done.

Both shots are excellent, David, with the second being my favorite. You really caught the feel of one of these hunting. Great work.

Excellent images, David. Perhaps it’s best of he wasn’t making direct eye contact with you if he’s that hungry… :smile:

Not easy getting harriers - always seem too far away and are so fast. But it is a blast. You did very well with these, David, I feel like I am there!

Tow nice images, David. My favorite is the first, since I do like the tree line in the BG and the typical harrier pose. Also love the overall composition. That said, the second one isn’t half bad either :wink: . Nice work ! Cheers, Hans