Image Description
I was walking around the grounds of Biltmore – much more pleasant than being guided through the ostentatious homestead – when the path led me to this scene. I was filled with a sense of revelation. It seemed to me that my future was depicted here – a path that peters out, dark forbidding clouds, a row of trees representing future outcomes and events. I stared enumerating them: Death, Despair, Depression, Dejection, Disillusion, Debilitation, Disease, Dread … and so on. I had to choose which tree to strike out towards when I ran out of path.
But then I noticed that the path does continue, after a sharpish turn to the right. And there are patches of blue sky just above the horizon.
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Pertinent Technical Details
Nikon D800, with Nikkor 16-35 mm at 26 mm f/10.0 ISO 200