All comments welcome!
I’m not sure if this is a macro or a mini-landscape. Moderators should feel free to move it if it’s in the wrong place.
Pertinent technical details or techniques:
This one is from the archives. Canon 5D2, 70-200 f/2.8 at 200, ISO 800, f/9.5, 1/350 sec, HH. This is about all we get around here for fall color.
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This one works really well. The warped mirror look of the water is a strong contrast to the leaves and warm and cool tones between the two creates even more tension. Two leaves is all you get for fall color?
I’m coming in late on this one, Diane. I had a bunch of errands to run today. What a great shot! I love the reflections in the water, and the details in the leaf. Well done.
Diane, this is a beauty. The sharpness of the two leaves and the decent sharpness (along with the distortion) of the reflections makes a great fall story. Well done.
This is a beautiful and unique fall picture. The colors are wonderful, the leaves are sharp and the background fluid in a nice contrast. I love everything about it and would love to take a fall walk wherever this was.