The old wave breaker

Just another seascape from a trip last year to the Netherlands.

These pylons are part of an old wave breaker sticking out into
the IJsselmeer, a closed off inland bay.

We saw noting but rain and gray skies that day, but the weather
started to clear just in time for sunset.

What technical feedback would you like if any?

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

Canon 5D iii, Canon EF 17-40/F4L, F10 at 1/5 seconds, iso 50.

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Arjen, despite the gray skies, I’m glad you waited it out until sunset, these are pretty great conditions. I find this to be a very pleasing image overall. I’m okay with the straight on dead center placement of the pilings. It’s probably the simplest way to pull you straight into the very dramatic sky and clouds. To my taste, I wish there was less negative space in the lower left corner. I might consider a crop from the bottom, moving to a more 16:9 aspect ratio. This type of panoramic crop would be very effective with the dramatic sky. I like your processing for exposure and contrast, that looks great to me. This may be subjective, but the image feels like it has a slight green cast to me, and I would add some magenta, but perhaps mask that change away from the aqua water. Another minor nitpick is i would remove the small contrail in the URC.


This is a nicely crafted seascape with added interest of the pylons which lead the eye in to the frame nice. And actually help demonstrate it’s original purpose as the wave action is different on either side. Which I just noticed.

Love the colors, saturation and luminosity throughout. A very enjoyable seascape.

Only small nitpick is that it appears that there are a few small washed out highlights in the wave tops LRC. Only significant if you want to print.
